Oklahoma School Census

One Room Schoolhouse

Do you know where the children are?

We will help you find them!

This newest OGS reference guide identifies the LOCATION where thousands of school district census records can be found for all 77 Oklahoma counties, and is a must for every library’s genealogy section.  Included are color maps of each county’s current school district location.

Compulsory public education, mandated in 1907, required a school age child census to be taken in January of each year.  A standardized census form included the full name of each school age child, their age on September 1, birthday, place of birth, tribe (if Indian), any disability and the name of the father, mother, guardian or custodian.  These records were collected by County School Superintendents for the years 1912 through 1993.

Click thumbnails below to enlarge sample pages.

Oklahoma School Census Location Index

341 pp hardbound (tax & shipping included) - $55, or $50 for OGS members